Beige Techologies Career

Beige Things Newsletter

written by Mads

This isn’t your standard snooze-fest of a newsletter, packed with company performance, jargon buzzwords, and a nap-inducing announcement like “Dave will circle back after the blue skies deep dive”yawns in corporate

So, what is Beige Things?

Beige Things is a delightfully quirky one-pager that is sent company wide every month to celebrate all things Beige Tech. Think of it as your monthly reminder of “Hey, we’re not just coding robots!” We take a moment to highlight the awesomeness of our team—babies being born, staff moonlighting as firefighters or basketball coaches, we celebrate our office events like who can eat a happy meal the fastest (1 min 21 seconds for those wondering) and the epic vacations that make us question why we ever came back to work.

We play games where you can win SpudBucks! (our peer recognition program). While it might seem a bit frivolous, we believe it’s a big deal for our culture. Some famous guy once sung, "From Little Things Big Things Grow", as a small start-up becoming less “tiny,” we resonate with that. Plus, who doesn’t need a good laugh?

Why bother?

Because life’s too short to be serious all the time! With our team scattered across the globe and working remotely on different projects, Beige Things is our way of keeping the camaraderie alive. It’s easy to miss important life events in the whirlwind of daily grind. “Wait, who had a baby? She was pregnant… when did this happen?” Beige Things makes sure we stay in the loop and don’t miss out on the good stuff.

Who’s behind this?

Me! That's right, yours truly. Beige Things lets me showcase my flair for pretty colors (thanks to my former hairdresser gig), my knack for storytelling, and my world-class sense of humor. While we're a tech company brimming with developers, it's refreshing to put my non-techy talents to good use and create something people genuinely look forward to. You might even overhear, "Hey, did you catch Mads' interview with Stewart in Beige Things this month? It was epic—better than any podcast I've listened to lately!" Me: "Nice!"

In Conclusion

Beige Things isn't your run-of-the-mill newsletter; it's a monthly reminder of our company vibe. It's our way of staying connected, celebrating our achievements (big and small), and reminding ourselves that behind every line of code is a person with a story to tell. In a world where remote work can sometimes feel isolating, Beige Things keeps us all connected, serving up the latest scoop one entertaining update at a time.

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